Friday 6 November 2015

Home Comforts

God, I forgot how good it feels to be at home. Back in your own bed, with the chance of a bath if you please, full cupboards, the kettle constantly on, and best of all, back under a roof with all your favourite people and obvs, the dog!! Don't get me wrong I love uni, but it does feel nice to be back in a place where people actually like the kitchen being clean and don't blare out music til God knows when. It's nice to have some peace and quiet and some downtime with the fam, even if that means just watching X Factor, (which I fully intend on doing tomorrow night, btw)!
It's especially nice to be home this time of year as the fire comes on, talks of Christmas are in the air and presents are being discussed! Exciting times ahead! And let's not forget the food!! The way to my heart is deffo through my stomach, so it's no surprise I absolutely looooove being at home and seeing all the food available to eat! Never a moment of simply having to have pasta again for the sixth evening in a row... And best of all the baths!! I crave baths so much at uni, I never really realised how much I loved them til I moved away and was deprived of a good soak! It really is so nice to be at home and I'm sure everyone can agree they took everything for granted before uni and learnt the hard way to appreciate things, just like I did!

Now, I'm off to stock up on snacks and a cuppa and run myself, a nice, long, hot bath...

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