Thursday 5 March 2015

50 shades...

   Okay so the new buzz is the film 'Fifty Shades of Grey' based on the novel of the same name, which I went to see in Newcastle on Tuesday!
   Having read all three books I was eager to see the film, despite hearing contradicting opinions with some absolutely loving it and wanting to watch it another 837 times, and others hating it and asking for refunds. I personally really enjoyed it! And to respond to a lot of people saying it was a lot more tame than the book - well, durrrr otherwise it would literally have been a porno!
   I thought the two leading actors played Ana and Christian very well and I think the transformation from book to film was executed perfectly! It included all the detail from the books in respect of the characters' personal lives, their backgrounds, how they met, their different educations and upbringings so no one left the cinema feeling confused as to how this all came about. The only thing that differed from the book was indeed the amount of sex. But like previously stated, that literally would have made it into some dodgy uncomfortable porno... 
   I also thought the soundtrack was amazzzzing! All songs were clearly carefully considered and my new favourite song is Beyonce's remake of 'Crazy in Love'! It has gone from a pop dancey song to a beautiful meaningful song and I loooove it!! Queen B has really outdone herself there - yet again!!

   There were some other thoughts I had whilst watching it - mainly is that bush real?!? Me and my flatmate had a loooong debate as to whether the (seen too much in my opinion) bush was real, but I guess it's mentioned in the book so they had to include it!
   Also, does anyone REALLY need a red room?? It just looked scary and intimidating and totally unsexy - not a turn on AT all!!! I get that Christian is 'fifty shades of fucked up' and all that but reallllly, that place is just a nightmare. Especially the whole 'wait for me by the door'... Really? She's not your dog!
   AND of course the acting - the sex scenes that were included were very very graphic and I couldn't quite believe he was just about sucking her nipple on screen! Obvs staying true to the book, but kind of awkward to actually watch! Fantastic acting there as it was pulled off flawlessly and convincingly!!!

On the whole I think it was a great film and would recommend anyone to go watch it! Just maybe not with your mum haha... That could be awks!!!