Friday 6 November 2015

Home Comforts

God, I forgot how good it feels to be at home. Back in your own bed, with the chance of a bath if you please, full cupboards, the kettle constantly on, and best of all, back under a roof with all your favourite people and obvs, the dog!! Don't get me wrong I love uni, but it does feel nice to be back in a place where people actually like the kitchen being clean and don't blare out music til God knows when. It's nice to have some peace and quiet and some downtime with the fam, even if that means just watching X Factor, (which I fully intend on doing tomorrow night, btw)!
It's especially nice to be home this time of year as the fire comes on, talks of Christmas are in the air and presents are being discussed! Exciting times ahead! And let's not forget the food!! The way to my heart is deffo through my stomach, so it's no surprise I absolutely looooove being at home and seeing all the food available to eat! Never a moment of simply having to have pasta again for the sixth evening in a row... And best of all the baths!! I crave baths so much at uni, I never really realised how much I loved them til I moved away and was deprived of a good soak! It really is so nice to be at home and I'm sure everyone can agree they took everything for granted before uni and learnt the hard way to appreciate things, just like I did!

Now, I'm off to stock up on snacks and a cuppa and run myself, a nice, long, hot bath...

Monday 2 November 2015

PRODUCT REVIEW: Vichy Normaderm Skincare

   Recently I decided to try a new skincare brand – Vichy. I have tried soooo many different brands and nothing seems to wow me. After endlessly stalking and over-analysing all the reviews at least 85 times, I gathered that it was worth a shot. I have combination skin where my t-zone is prone to oiliness and occasional break outs, but my cheeks are pretty normal. I have the darkest under eye circles known to existence and pretty bad eye bags so my face always looks quite dim and dull. I think that was one of my main desires – to brighten up my skin! I went out and after yet another conversation with the woman in Boots, I decided on Vichy. I went for the Vichy Normaderm collection, which is mainly for oily skin. I was a little reluctant as like I said, my cheeks are pretty standard, and didn’t want to dry out my cheeks with a drying mattifying moisturiser. I went for it anyway, and after three weeks of using it, here is what I think…

Cleasning Gel – This is nice and it does make my skin feel clean and washed. However, it is a gel, which I find a little annoying. I like the feel of a creamy cleanser, whereas this is an actual gel that requires water on the face beforehand and then more water to wash it off. This works for some people, but I’m not a huuuuge fan of the concept. Saying that, if you have mega oily skin this will be good for you, as you are not just piling up more and more layers of lotions on your skin, as this washes straight off! So although I find it a little tedious and damp, it is good and washing away excess oils and making sure you don’t have unnecessary layers of lotion and cream on your skin.

Toner – This toner is supposed to tighten pores and make them less visible. It is a a very light toner which I like, I have used ones more like gel consistency before and hated them so I really do like this toner. Does it tighten pores? Not that I’ve noticed… Saying that, I have only been using it for around three weeks and I still have a lot of the bottle to get through, so I will persevere. However, it does leave your skin totally dry and gets rid of any excess cleansing gel – it leaves the perfect base for moisturiser to go on nicely.

Moisturiser – This moisturiser is for the day and I really really like it. It is light, it goes on nicely, the packaging is small and cute, it smells nice and fresh and just makes my skin feel nice. It really is the perfect base for a primer to go on. However, I do find that it does not combat oil as much as it claims to as I still find myself reaching for my powder throughout the day!

Night Detox – I use this in the evening (obvs) after cleansing and toning, and I can say it makes my skin feel great. It absorbs well, smells nice, has a matte finish with no obvious shine and is a great way for your skin to rejuvenate overnight so you wake up feeling refreshed, and with noticeably brighter skin. Full marks for this cream!

There's also a micellar water, which I got as a free sample when buying these products. I personally am not a massive fan of micellar so haven’t actually used it yet, but for any micellar fans, considering how nice the other products are, I would say it’ll probably be right up your street!!

I will definitely be repurchasing the Vichy products when they run out (which by the way probably won’t be for ages – a little really does go a long way with these products)! I love the feel of my skin and I must say, since using them my skin has been clearer than ever, Significantly less break outs, much much much brighter and healthy looking skin, and it also seems to have done a good job and removing marks from past blemishes!! Fabulous! Could not recommend Vichy enough in terms of skin treatment and repair, but in terms of mattifying the oil – I’d say don’t get rid of your powder just yet!!