Tuesday 27 January 2015


Helllllo there, my name is Molly and I have decided to start a blog as a way of getting into writing my opinions about things. After uni I have decided I want to head into journalism and so blogging about things, ie. my life and general thoughts and opinions seemed a good way to kick start that practice of simply writing. This is actually more daunting than I thought it would be and I hope no one turns round and says this is all utter bull haha.

I guess the first thing that seems a good idea to write about is myself in the here and now and what I’m currently doing – I’m at uni! I go to Northumbria University in Newcastle, which was just about the best decision I ever made really. Being at uni has not only made me grow up a bit and become an adult – in the ways of paying bills, cooking, washing etc but it has also led me directly to the career path I want to go down. I started uni totally clueless with the idea of getting out of Newark (the small town I’m from) and doing something I really love –English! It started off as just that, me doing a degree for no other reason that it seemed the easiest option than to just go and ‘get a job’. But now it has proved to me what I really am interested in; what my strengths are, what I’m good at and what I actually want to do for the rest of my life. I’ve always been a keen writer and magazines, tabloids and broadsheets have always caught my eye. In fact, the media in general has always interested me – not necessarily just celebrities but the media itself, news stations, presenters, broadcasting – I find it all so interesting and now I am hopefully going to become a part of it all!

Although uni is without a doubt the most stressful thing in my life, it’s also the most exciting thing– it gives the opportunity to live independently but also pretty much carefree with the biggest decision being ‘shall I go out tonight?'. Saying that, it simultaneously prepares and equips you with skills and knowledge to have a successful career. It’s a crazy time, and describing university to someone who has never been, will always remain impossible! With another year and a half to go, I can’t wait to see what else is thrown my way and what other fantastic opportunities arise from the crazy city that is Newcastle!

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